Sheila Sy

Website Copy

Meet Ginto Studio: Makers of solid gold fine jewelry. In the age of gold-fill and gold-plate, Ginto sets the standard for quality. Writing Ginto's website copy, we took inspiration from founder Sheila Sy's Filipino and Chinese heritage and her family's tradition of gifting solid gold jewelry for life’s milestones, curating words that speak to love and legacy.

Ginto Studio


the ServiceS

the Project


Our founder Sheila Sy’s was a childhood cast in gold: Good friends with family of jewelers who owned a store in the heart of Chinatown, a well-jeweled mother, and a tradition of gifting solid gold jewelry for life’s milestones and moments of celebration. It was the beginning of a lifelong love affair with jewelry—solid gold, obviously.


We’re for jewelry that’s made to be lived in, loved, and passed on. Jewelry that holds memories of the moments that made you—the love that made you softer, the heartbreak that made you stronger, the journey that made you wiser. Jewelry that’s as beautiful and resilient as you. We're Ginto.




The voice

Ashley De Filippis

"Meet your brand's new best friend."

Morgan Jones

"Seriously gifted."

Ashley LaPrade

"Insanely talented with words."

Briana Masson

"A masterful writer."

Kristine Lee

"Artistry in every touch."

Jennifer Smith

"Part creative genius, part therapist."

Claire lee

"Blew my expectations away."

Amanda Sewell

"Worth every single penny."

You can't have a one-on-one sales pitch with every client who lands on your site at 3:00 a.m.——but your words can. We can help.

Let's make your words work for you